Thursday, September 20, 2012

Filipino Blogging Day #15: Pastillas

Pastillas are one of many classic Philippine treats loved by many Filipinos around the world. They are composed of powdered milk, condensed milk (condensada), and sugar (for coating) and are wrapped in      cellophane or Japanese paper. There are many kinds of pastillas that are chewy, crispy, nutty, and all sorts of other flavors. These sweet snacks are one of my favorite Filipino foods!

Here is a simple Pastillas de Leche recipe from

No-cook Pastillas de Leche

Makes about 40 pieces

2 1/2 cups powdered milk
1 (200-ml) can condensed milk
sugar for coating
parchment or greaseproof paper
colored Japanese paper for wrapping

  In a bowl, mix powdered milk and condensed milk.

2  Take about 1 tablespoon of mixture, coat with sugar, and roll into 2-inch-long tubes.

3  Wrap in parchment paper followed by a sheet of Japanese paper.

Crispy tip: Make it chewy and crunchy! To add some bite to your pastillas, just mix 1/2 cup rice krispies, chopped nuts, or crushed cornflakes into the milk mixture.

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